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"I don't know who you are, but I'm happy to have you here."



I'm Ray, the undercover lady in the world of coffee, sleep, and elegance! When I'm not busy sipping on my favorite coffee, I'm probably battling it out in an epic showdown with my bed, and when the sun comes up, I lead the rescue mission to turn night into day! So let's gear up for a journey filled with deep sleep, morning coffee, and unexpected elegance, because ultimately, we can't take life too seriously, can we?

Parallel Lines

TM   &   3H

"Love is the language that needs no translation, and the feeling that cannot be described in words. It's the melody of the heart played by the soul tirelessly and endlessly."

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"I'm not always around, but I reply to messages."


Just the best


"I always prefer cheerful and soothing colors simultaneously. That's why I often opt for incorporating pink and white amidst other colors in my attire, as I aim for a visually comfortable appearance."

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